Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Grandma & Grandpa Rawson (aka Mom & Dad) come to Zambia!

My mom and Dad have been here with us for about a week and a half. They have been such help to us in getting things organized and back to some sort of functioning order. They have been absolute troopers. In dad’s words, “We’ve never done anything this crazy before.” I guess we don’t think of our lives as being all that “crazy” but I suppose if your frame of reference is upstate NY, then, yes, Fimpulu Zambia might seem a little crazy. But really, these two were awesome. They cleaned and cleaned and cleaned and held our baby and did our dishes and SLEPT ON OUR FLOOR WITH RATS. For real. I’m incredibly proud of them. Dad did most of the photo taking which means he’s not in many pictures, but he did a great job of talking to people in the village and letting people know that he was genuinely interested in their life. And Mom, in between helping me with anything and everything that I needed, she spent most of her time loving on little kids. I mean, seriously loving on them – kissing booboos and wiping noses and crying when someone looked hungry.

Every time we talk about them going back, someone starts to cry and I’m sure that there will be a lot of red eyes and runny noses at the airport in just one day from now when we say “see you later” to our beloved parents.
Thank you mom and dad for being such servants to us and for demonstrating such grace and strength in the midst of trials. Thank you for your support and encouragement as we follow God’s leading for our lives here in Zambia. Thank you for loving our daughter and for caring for her enough to let us live with you while we finished growing and birthing her. Thank you being here.

And now I’m crying so I’ll stop typing and go to sleep. But seriously people out there, if you see Rick or Linda Rawson, give them a high 5 and tell them they’re awesome, cuz its true. 

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